When do babies sleep through the night?

Simple Tips That Help!

When do babies sleep through the night? A baby not sleeping through the night can cause chaos at home. Your baby not sleeping through the night may be due to your baby not sleeping enough during the day.There’s not one cure all answer, but rest assured there are proven ways to solve your baby’s sleep problems.

Yes, a baby not sleeping through the night can create significant challenges. As a new parent, you’re tasked with: teaching your baby how to develop healthy sleeping habits.

We’re going to outline some of the most effective tips on how to foster positive sleeping habits in your infant. Keep in mind, each baby is different, so you have to determine what works best for your baby, always trust your Motherly instinct.

Click the button below to get a FREE sleep assessment for your baby. Answer six simple questions and you’ll receive some personalized recommendations that you can start using right away to significantly improve your baby’s sleep issues.

Sleeping Facts: Sleep is one of the most important aspects of a baby’s life.

As you make plans for your new baby to come home, your first priority is to make sure your baby has a comfortable and safe sleeping environment. Your baby should be getting a full eight hours of sleep in addition to regular naps.

There are many reasons why we need sleep. One is regeneration: From hair follicles, to fingernails, to even the outer layer of skin, the regeneration process during sleep covers a wide scope. Sleep fuels our body and mind alike, helping to maintain health, without the conscious input of our brain. Indeed, our bodies run on autopilot during sleep, which also gives our brains much-deserved rest.

Naturally, babies require far more growth and regeneration than adults, and therefore, sleep is even more important for these little humans. It’s your job to ensure that your little one can enjoy a good, restful night of sleep. Ultimately, what you’re trying to do is best foster your infant’s growth and development through healthy, restful sleep.

Are you still struggling to get your baby to sleep through the night, CLICK HERE to learn more about a step by step formula that has helped over 57,000 parents solve their baby’s sleep problems.

When do babies sleep through the night? Be patient, your sleepless nights will end.

My baby is not sleeping at night, why? A baby not sleeping through the night can upset the whole household. All around the world, since the dawn of time, parents have known the struggle of getting their baby to sleep at night.

Is your baby not sleeping enough? The 16 to 20 hours of sleep per day that newborn babies require is broken into small chunks, generally of two to four hours. If your baby’s waking and sleeping hours are random, chaos is sure to ensue, so it’s crucial to establish a reliable sleeping schedule. If you establish a consistent routine, your baby will get sufficient rest—and you’ll have time to do chores and have some time to yourself (something that moms receive far too little of!).

A baby not sleeping well at night can be difficult to manage. But the odds are in your favor. On average, most babies, by nine months, can sleep through the night. So just be patient, restful nights for both you and your baby may be just a few simple changes away.

8 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep!

Tip #1: Baby not sleeping? Comfort is always first priority.

When do babies sleep through the night? How well your newborn sleeps is not entirely within your control—some children simply sleep better than others. Whether your baby naturally sleeps calmly and peacefully, suffers from a sleep disorder, or anything in between, there exist numerous tips to improve your infant’s sleeping habits. A key aspect that is always first priority is comfort.

  • Your baby is going to have a difficult time getting to sleep if they have other, unmet needs. Ensure your infant has been properly attended to before bedtime by integrating changing and feeding into the pre-bedtime routine. This is the most basic level of comfort and is key in ensuring a good night’s sleep for your little one.
  • Naturally, physical comfort is also of considerable importance. Very young babies have not yet learned how to breathe through their mouths, so it’s crucial that they can rely on clear nasal passages for the night. Maintaining the ideal environment will take a bit of effort on your part. Make sure to keep the baby’s bedroom well dusted, and fuzzy blankets, stuffed animals, and other objects that collect dust should be minimized.
  • If your dusting efforts don’t resolve the issue, take it a step further by purchasing an air filter. In addition to removing the dust particles interfering with your baby’s healthy sleep, this has the added benefit of producing white noise.
  • Ensure a comfortable room temperature—don’t exceed 75 degrees. If your baby’s sleeping environment is too hot or too cold, they likely won’t sleep through the night.
  • Selecting comfortable pajamas for your baby is another critical step. This can be tricky because babies all have their own personal preferences. Be careful to not let your own biases influence you—just because it looks comfortable to you doesn’t mean your infant agrees. Test out a range of clothing styles to see which your child prefers.
  • Another comfort consideration is your baby’s ability to sleep with a wet diaper. Though a wet diaper doesn’t bother most babies, some have difficulties sleeping through the night with one. If your baby falls into the latter category, you’ll have to get up in the night to change them (but it’s worth the inconvenience).

Don’t forget that all babies are unique, and no one knows your baby better than you do. The clear-cut rules found in guides may be tempting as straightforward approaches, but always trust your intuition. Those guides incorporate averages—they don’t know the personal preferences of your baby. You do, though.

Is your baby not sleeping well at night? CLICK HERE to learn more about a step by step formula that has helped over 57,000 parents solve their baby’s sleep problems.

Tip #2: Baby not sleeping through the night? Establish bedtime routines.

When do babies sleep through the night? You have to help your baby establish healthy sleeping patterns. You’ll need time and (patience) to adjust your newborn to sleeping alone. Books and the Internet are full of helpful tips on how to achieve this. So do a bit of research and figure out what works for you and your baby! Trust your instincts and be patient—you’ll find the right approach.

Create habits and routines to help your baby associate bedtime with sleeping. This association is your number one goal, and once you succeed in establishing it, bedtime will become much less of a hassle.

However, many resources seem to overlook the importance of establishing the differences between night and day. Ingraining in your child the habit of staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night is key. Here are a few tips to help establish healthy sleeping patterns in your newborn.

  • Use a bassinet or cradle instead of a crib for the first few weeks. These smaller spaces may offer increased comfort, as a crib may seem too huge to a newborn.
  • Sometimes, after an energetic, active day, your baby may have trouble calming down and sleeping at night. To ease him or her into sleep mode, go about your daily activities wearing a sling-type baby carrier. Not only does this allow for some close contact for you and your baby, but it also soothes your little one in preparation for bedtime.
  • It’s often the mother who performs the bedtime routine, but it may be effective to have the father join in, too. Since men typically have lower voices than women, Dad’s voice may be more effective in soothing the baby. Also, if the father cradles the baby close during the bedtime routine, the child may begin to associate being held by their father with sleeping. Consider the dynamics of your family and try to come up with a plan!
  • Don’t let your baby sleep too long during the day: Anything more than three hours at a time is longer than a nap. Holding your baby upright and tickling their feet is a good, gentle way to coax them back into the world of the awake. Alternatively, try removing their shirt, but put it back on once your infant is awake. Now, to prevent your child from falling back asleep, try singing or talking to them.
  • If your baby continues to cry for long periods of time, you really should consult your pediatrician.

Transitions are gradual. Don’t rush anything. Slowly establish your routine, and once you’ve found one that works well and have established it soundly, slowly work on simplifying it. Ultimately, you want to have your baby sleep on his or her own, without your aid. Just ease him or her into it. The main goal is healthy sleeping patterns not only for the baby but also the whole family.

If you’re the parent of a baby not sleeping through the night, Click Here and answer six simple questions, a FREE sleep assessment for your baby. You’ll receive some personalized recommendations from Dana Obleman (baby sleep expert) that you can start using right away to significantly improve your baby’s sleep issues.

Tip #3: How to put your baby to sleep alone, without Mommy? 

When do babies sleep through the night? One of your first goals, you have to transition your baby to sleep alone. It’ll take some time for your baby to transition from sleeping with their mother to sleeping on their own. But as a reward for your hard work and patience, you’ll both get full, restful nights of sleep! There are many approaches to establishing good sleeping habits in an infant, so experiment and see what works best for you.

For a baby not sleeping well at night, creating routines and associations are essential steps in establishing your baby’s healthy-sleep-habits . If your baby associates bedtime with sleeping, it’ll be much easier to get them to fall—and stay—asleep at the appropriate time. However, don’t overlook, as many do, the importance of clearly establishing night and day associations. There are many approaches you can take. Here are just a few.

Try, as some call it, “fathering down.” This method involves the father cradling the baby before they are placed in their cot. While holding the child, Dad should talk gently to them. His deep male voice will soothe the infant, making it easier for the baby to fall asleep.

Another method is known as “wearing down or “driving down.” This approach is famous because it works—even though it’s inconvenient. Just strap your baby into their car seat and drive around town until sleep overtakes your infant. It’s a tried and true method, however impractical.

These are not long-term solutions, of course. They’re simply methods to slowly guide your baby through the transition process of sleeping on their own. For your child, new to everything in this vast world, this is a major change, and you’ll need time and patience to help them through it. As positive sleeping habits start to set in, you can begin easing up on these techniques. Ultimately, both you and your baby will be able to sleep peacefully through the whole night. Regardless, how tempting it may be, never put your baby to sleep in your bed.


Tip #4: Baby not sleeping enough?  How to make baby naptime a success?

There’s no doubt that babies sleep a lot. However, that doesn’t mean naptime is always easy. If your infant is having trouble sleeping during naptime, try implementing additional naptime in 15-minute increments. Keep a sharp eye out for cues that your baby is getting sleepy so that you can begin naptime when your child is ready.

It’s okay to let your baby cry for fifteen or twenty minutes. Despite some people’s concerns, this will not negatively affect your baby’s physical or mental health. Leaving them alone during these times allows them to learn to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own. And if they don’t learn how to do this, your baby (and consequently, you) won’t be sleeping through the night anytime soon.

Normal sleeping patterns for babies change as the child ages. Let’s examine the various stages of your infant’s life:

  • Newborn: Newborns require a ton of sleep—16 to 20 hours of it! That includes naptime. Don’t put your baby to sleep immediately after feeding, but don’t wait long enough for them to get overstimulated, either.
  • Two months: At this stage, your child should slowly be easing to sleeping on their own. It’s okay if your baby cries when you put them down—only check on them if the crying lasts more than 10 or 15 minutes. In those cases, simply pat your infant’s bottom or rub their back to soothe them—don’t actually pick them up.
  • 3-6 months: At this age, sleep requirements are somewhat lower, and you can eliminate one nap from the daily routine. The late-afternoon nap is perhaps the least important, so try eliminating that one. If your baby takes this nap, they may not sleep through the night, so you should keep them awake, even if they become cranky.
  • 16+ months: Once your baby reaches this age, it’s best to forego the morning nap for a longer afternoon nap. Ten to twelve hours of sleep a night, complemented by a two- or three-hour afternoon nap, is the ideal sleeping schedule for a baby at this age.

Rules for Successful Naps:

  1. You determine the nap times and durations, not your infant.
  2. If a baby older than four months hasn’t slept enough, they’ll wake up crying. Attend to your child as necessary: Change their diaper, rearrange the bedding, adjust the room temperature, etc. Once you’ve resolved the issue, put the baby back to sleep so that they can wake up happy and refreshed!

New parents also suffer their fair share of exhaustion, so sleeping habits can present a major challenge in the first weeks and months of your baby’s life. Whatever you do, though, don’t attempt to get your baby to sleep through the night by preventing daytime naps. Naps are an essential part of your baby’s necessary sleep (remember, babies need more sleep than adults!). Just don’t let the naps get too long.

When do babies sleep through the night? Click Here and answer six simple questions, a FREE sleep assessment for your baby. You’ll receive personalized recommendations from Dana Obleman, a recognized baby sleep expert. Start using recommendations right away. It’s FREE and the recommendations can dramatically help with your child’s sleep problems!

Tip #5: Changing your baby’s feeding habits can foster good sleeping habits.

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? If you’re the parent of a baby not sleeping through the night, don’t worry, it’s just part of the package. Your baby not sleeping, or them waking in the middle of the night, crying for care, is inevitable. However, despite the inevitable sleeplessness, your task is to teach your infant good sleeping habits.

The world of baby sleep tips is vast, so we encourage parents to do some thorough research and discover as many as possible. The more guides you familiarize yourself with, the better you’ll be able to determine what works for your baby and act accordingly. Ultimately, trust your instinct, you know your baby best.

Your child’s feeding habits play a role in their sleeping schedule. Growing babies tend to be active during the day—which is good! But the downside is this activity can make feeding difficult. And if your infant doesn’t eat a lot during the day, they’ll inevitably be waking up throughout the night for food.

Your strategy to combat this problem can be to fill your child up during the day. If you feed your infant every three hours or so throughout the day, your baby will go to sleep with a full stomach. And this method doubles as a way to establish a connection between daytime and feeding.

If your baby nonetheless demands a feeding in the middle of the night, try to give them a full meal. If they’re not fully satiated, they may wake up crying for another feeding later in the night.

As with all baby sleeping tips, it’s crucial to remember that there are no rules set in stone. The methods that work best for one baby not sleeping well at night may fail with another baby. As a parent, it’s up to you to determine the best sleeping habits and approaches for your individual infant.

The ultimate goal is to establish associations for both daytime feeding and night feeding. These associations help your baby transition to feeding schedule and ultimately lead to better sleep satisfaction for your baby and the whole family.

Be careful to never force anything, though. If your baby doesn’t want to eat every three hours, wait a little longer. If your infant doesn’t want a full feeding during the night, stop when they’re satiated. Concentrate on the patterns and averages and not so much on what a book or guide might specify.

When will my baby sleep through the night, CLICK HERE to learn more about a step by step formula that has helped over 57,000 parents solve their baby’s sleep problems.


Tip #6: Baby not sleeping well at night? Try using sleep associations.

When do babies sleep through the night? If you have a baby not sleeping well at night, you’re already well aware of the difficulties this can cause. When your baby is not sleeping, you’re not sleeping!

Yes, to solve this problem takes time and patience. But if you want to expedite this process (and you do, trust me), you’ll need to create sleep associations to help your little one sleep on their own.

Sleep associations are natural for everyone, not just babies. Even adults often have bedtime routines, so certain activities you perform before going to bed—say, reading or watching Netflix—will induce sleepiness. Your baby’s associations may involve you, as infants often fall asleep in their parents’ arms. You’ll have to wean your child off these associations and establish new ones.

Be careful not to accidentally create sleep associations your baby can’t create independently if they wake up in the night. If your child needs to be held to fall asleep, they’ll be dependent on you or your spouse for a good night’s sleep. The goal is to enable your infant to fall back asleep on their own.

Certain items can serve as sleep associations. Pick out a special blanket or stuffed toy to let your child sleep with. If your baby associates these items with sleep, soon enough, you’ll no longer be needed to assist with nighttime wakings. Your baby not sleeping through the night will become less of a problem.

Take the opportunity to integrate these sleep-inducing items into your child’s pre-bedtime routine as well! Let your baby cuddle with their bedtime stuffed bunny during the day’s final feeding and take it to bed with them. The association of sleep with the stuffed bunny and the other bedtime routine activities will be reinforced.

Your infant will naturally create their own sleep associations—that’s out of your control. You can help make sure these sleep associations are healthy and foster independent baby sleeping habits, however.

This transitional phase is laborious—there’s no doubt about it. However, with patience, love, and persistence, you can create a positive, independent sleeping environment for your little one. Eventually, you can create an environment in which the entire family is well rested!

Tip #7: How to calm a crying baby? Don’t turn sleeping into a “Chore.”

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? Parenting is no easy task! Among the many difficulties of early parenting, a baby not sleeping well at night is one of the most difficult.

Parenting books and the Internet offer an abundance of baby cheatsheets. We encourage you to explore them and try some out! However, it’s important to take the right attitude. Make sure your attitude toward your child’s sleep is realistic. Otherwise, you may implement rigid “rules” for your infant’s sleep schedule that inevitably backfire.

Think long term. On any given night, when you’re exhausted and your high-wired little one is fighting sleep, it can be tempting to think short term. Be careful, though, not to apply short-term solutions that foster dependence and poor sleeping hygiene just so you can get some sleep this particular night.

You have to understand that not all nights will be the same. Some nights, your baby may refuse to sleep, even though the same approach worked wonders the previous several nights. Focus on averages, not particular highs or lows. Concentrate on creating a positive sleeping environment that your child always feels comfortable sleeping in.

Let sleep be something natural. Rigid rules may seem like a good idea, but they’re far from comfortable, so they may render sleep unenjoyable for your little one. Give your child some degree of control over their own sleeping schedule. Sleeping will be significantly easier if sleep is a comforting, relaxing activity.

Our sleepiness levels don’t run on a precise clock. Setting rigid bedtimes means forcing your baby to sleep at a particular time, even if their energy level is still high. In this case, your infant will naturally fight sleep and begin to think of it as a chore, not something enjoyable.

Making sleep into a “chore” can lead to bigger problems down the road. Once your baby hits the “terrible twos,” for example, they may consciously fight against this routine “task” as a form of rebellion. Avoid this difficult situation simply by making sleep pleasant for your baby.

It’s important to be careful in your methods because our sleeping habits as babies can influence our sleeping hygiene as older children and adults. In many cases, sleeping disorders can be traced back to sleeping habits at this extremely early stage of life. Your ultimate goal, then, is to foster healthy sleeping habits that will follow your child throughout life and help ensure a well-rested adult as well.

If you are still struggling to get your baby to sleep through the night, CLICK HERE to learn more about a step by step formula trusted by pediatricians and has helped over 57,000 parents solve their baby’s sleep problems.

how to calm a crying baby


Tip #8: Silence is not the goal.  Use background noise to help your baby sleep.

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? No two babies are the same. That also means, no two babies have the same sleeping habits. Naturally, some infants will sleep better than others, and there’s nothing you can do about that. What can we do to help our babies adjust to normal noise around the house?

The best sleeping environment for a baby is not necessary one of total silence. Your infant got used to sleeping in the womb as you went about your daily life, socializing and going out—it certainly wasn’t always quiet! Therefore, adding some background noise to your little one’s bedroom may facilitate the sleep process for them.

Obviously, sudden loud noises will rouse your baby, as they would anybody. You shouldn’t be throwing loud parties while your baby is trying to sleep, but light chitchat or the background sound of the TV could soothe your child. Indeed, even some adults turn on the radio or listen to podcasts to fall asleep.

You can find audio CDs of white noise for babies, but normally, you can generate this ambiance on your own. The quiet sounds of you and your partner going about your daily activities should be enough to soothe your baby and help them sleep. A great way to get them used to daily noises is carry them in a sling while you work throughout the day.

A humming noise can also work wonders. Leaving a fan on in your baby’s bedroom may serve as both a way to regulate temperature and a source of soothing background noise that helps your little one drift off and sleep through the night.

Also, if your baby falls asleep in the living room when company’s over, don’t bother moving them to a quieter room. They may sleep better in the living room—even if you wouldn’t!

Experiment and determine the best environment for your baby to establish healthy sleeping habits. Don’t overthink it—it can be as simple as leaving the door open or turning on a fan. Remember that silence does not necessarily make the best sleeping environment, despite popular belief. A little background noise can fuel many restful nights of sleep for your little one!

Click Here for a FREE sleep assessment for your baby. Answer only six simple questions, and you’ll receive some personalized recommendations that you can start using right away to significantly improve your baby’s sleep issues.


The laborious task of instilling in a baby positive sleep patterns is simply a part of motherhood.

As a Mother you need to be aware of and manage many things for your child. Making sure your baby gets enough sleep is a definite priority. Remember the sleep habits you teach your child may follow them for the rest of their life!

Use bedtime routines to establish sleep associations. This will both help your baby sleep at the appropriate times and enable them to fall asleep without the presence of you or your spouse. By establishing a relatively lenient routine, you can also make sure sleeping is an enjoyable activity and not one your child dreads because it cuts into their playtime.

Remember that your baby’s preferences may differ from yours. Just because you couldn’t fall asleep in a particular scenario doesn’t mean your baby couldn’t. Pay attention to your baby’s cues and leave your personal biases behind.

A baby not sleeping well at night can cause chaos in your life. Don’t forget that your baby is unique, and therefore, not all the advice you find in books or online will apply to your child. Trust your instinct, you, as a Mother, know best. Use the tips you find not as rigid rules but as suggestions. Along with patience and your natural instinct as a Mother you’ll discover the best strategy for you and your baby. And soon, your entire family will be well rested.

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? You know first hand, getting your baby to sleep through the night is no easy task. If you want a shortcut click the button below.

Learn How To Get Your Child Sleeping Through The Night

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