Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat Review

Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat Review

Tribute LX has Design Features Usually Found on More Expensive Car Seats!

The Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat is not only affordable, but it has a lot of features that are more commonly found onEvenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat far more expensive car seats.

One of the most popular types of car seats to come along in recent years is the convertible car seat which is designed for both newborns and toddlers alike. However, finding a convertible car seat that is safe, comfortable, easy to install, and affordable has been somewhat difficult until now.

The whole idea behind a convertible car seat is that instead of buying an infant seat and then a seat for your toddler, you can simply buy one car seat that should last until your child is ready to ride with only a booster seat. While some parents may still prefer an infant car seat because of its ability to be carried easily and fit into a stroller, a convertible car seat is simply a much better option for many parents.

We have reviewed many convertible car seats and have found that some are simply easier to use and offer more functionality than others, with the Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat being one of the most popular car seats on the market today.

$62.99 Note: Price subject to change without notice. Check Amazon for today’s best price!

Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat Design Details

Before buying any car seat, it is important to be aware of not only the dimensions and technical specifications of a car seat, but to also understand if it is going to be appropriate for your child. This car seat measures 18.5” x 22” x 25.5” and weighs just over 9 pounds.

Because this car seat is both a rear facing seat and a forward facing seat, there are different weight and height specifications for each configuration. When used as a rear facing infancy, the child must be between 5 pounds and 30 pounds with a height of between 19 inches and 37 inches. When used as a forward facing seat, your toddler must be between 22 pounds and 40 pounds, with a height of between 28 inches and 40 inches.

The width of this car seat is a fairly slim 18.5 inches, which means that you should have no problem placing two of these side-by-side in most vehicles. It is made in the USA, approved for airplane used by the FAA and tested for side-impact safety as well.

Among the many features that the Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat has are for harness positions, to crotch buccal positions, a rear facing incline, and upfront harness adjustment, a machine washable pad, and a removable head pillow.

Check Amazon for more design details!

What Makes the Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat Special?

If you have been shopping for convertible car seats, then you know that some of the more affordable models do not have a lot of easy installation features. But, that doesn’t mean that you need to spend a lot in order to get what you want. The Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat has a number of features that make installation extremely easy, most notably the upfront harness adjustment. By being able to easily adjust the five point harness from the front of the car seat, getting your child in and out quickly and without a lot of fuss is possible.

Another feature that a lot of parents appreciate is a rear facing recline. Since your child will be using the car seat in the rear facing configuration for a year or two, allowing them to recline safely is important for their comfort and your peace of mind.

As your child begins to grow, you will find that the way in which they are secured to the car seat needs to change. This seat has for harness positions so that your child can remain safely in place and comfortable as they grow. There are also to crotch buckle positions to accommodate growth and to allow for your child to be comfortable on long drives.

For additional comfort, you also get a removable head pillow and it is good to know that the entire car seat pad can be removed for washing, too.

The Evenflo Tribute Safety Performance

You might not know this, but Evenflo’s history goes back nearly 100 years when it was a company dedicated to nursing products. In fact,Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat they are responsible for patenting the very first rubber nipple that did not need to be pulled over the top of a bottle. This company evolved over the years from creating nursing products to various other baby and child products such as strollers, cribs, high chairs, and car seats.

Not only does this company have a reputation for innovation, but safety as well. When you buy an Evenflo car seat, you can rest assured that you are getting the highest quality product and one that has been thoroughly safety tested.

Evenflo car seats are designed, engineered, tested, molded, and assembled in the United States. They also meet or exceed all of the applicable federal standards for structural integrity and side impact. In fact, his car seat has been tested at levels that are two times the federal crash test standard.

You might think that this car seat could not provide the kind of safety protection that your child needs, particularly since it weighs just 9 pounds. However, it is made with high density molded plastic and an energy absorbing foam liner that provides both added safety and a lot of comfort for your little one.

Of course, a car seat is only going to be a safe place for your child if it is installed correctly and that is why the Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat gets such high marks from parents and reviewers alike. It is easy to install and most vehicles and the added upfront harness adjustment ensures that your child will be properly seated get comfortable without a lot of hassle.

Installing the Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat

The installation of a car seat can be complicated, particularly for a first-time parent. One of the things that Evenflo is known for is providing high quality installation instructions both in writing and online videos.

As is the case with most convertible car seats, the way in which you install the seat is going to depend on your particular vehicle and the type and location of seatbelts you have. Also, installation is going to be slightly different depending on whether you are using this as a rear facing or forward facing car seat. In any case, this product does come with the LATCH system that makes it very easy to integrate into multiple vehicles.

Most experts recommend that children below the age of two years are seated rear facing whenever possible. Of course, if your child is larger than 30 pounds or taller than 37 inches, then it would be time for him or her to be seated forward.

His car seat is only 18.5 inches across, which means that not only is it possible to seat these two across in most vehicles, but it is also small enough to be used for air travel. It should be noted that it might be necessary for the car seat to be used only in a forward configuration on airplanes because of their lack of leg room in many instances.

Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat Pro’s and Con’s

It is rare that any baby product is going to meet all of your needs and so evaluating the pro’s and con’s of a product can help you to determine if it is worth buying. The most obvious benefit of the Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat is that it is one of the most affordable convertible car seats and can often be found online for around $50.

Another benefit is the fact that it is made in the United States and that any customer support that you may require will also be American-based. If you have had to deal with foreign-made baby products or overseas customer support, then you know how difficult that can be.

Enhanced safety is a huge feature of this car seat, and that will be made clear once you feel how strong, sturdy, and well-padded it is. As mentioned before, it meets or exceeds all federal standards for safety and side impact, and your child will also be comfortable for long periods of time in the substantial padding.

As far as some of the drawbacks of this car seat go, it appears to be a little stripped-down in terms of accessories. For instance, a drink holder is not included but is sold separately. Also, it does not have a carrying handle like most infant car seats do, but that is fairly typical for convertible seats.

Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat Customer Reviews

The Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat is rated a very respectable 4.2 out of five stars on Amazon but perhaps more importantly, there are more than 3,400 customer reviews available. When you see this many reviews for any kind of product on Amazon, you can rest assured that you are getting not only a popular product but a worthwhile one, too.

When you read the customer reviews for this car seat, one thing that you will see time and time again our stories and photographs of parents who have been in car accidents yet their child was fully protected in this car seat. For those of us who grew up in vehicles without car seats, it can be quite amazing to see the kind of accidents infants and toddlers have survived because of them.

Other features that a lot of parents seem to like include the fact that because this car seat weighs just 9 pounds, it is easy to travel with. According to the reviews, it is also very easy to install and most vehicles and because it is so affordable, many parents seem to use it as an extra car seat or for one that is used specifically for airplane travel.

Check Amazon for today’s best price!

Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat Review, Our Verdict

Evenflo Tribute LX ConvertibleBecause of the low price,  you might not think that the Evenflo Tribute Convertible Car Seat is high quality, has top safety features and is easy to install, but you would be wrong.

The facts are; the Evenflo Tribute LX is so lightweight yet far surpasses federal safety standards and is both rear facing and forward facing for infants as small as 5 pounds and toddlers as large as 40 pounds. The Evenflo Tribute car seat is also easy and quick to install which makes it perfect for parents who need to switch from car to car.

The Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat is certainly one of the most affordable, versatile and lightweight convertible car seats available today.

Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat review, See our verdict below:

Price: LOW | Quality: GOOD | Safety: GOOD | Our Rating: 4.3 out of 5

Evenflo Tribute LX Optional Accessories

The Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat does not come with a drink holder though you can purchase one separately. Other accessories include an Evenflo car seat travel and storage bag, window cling shades, and you may want to consider purchasing an extra internal cover as well.

His car seat is available in seven different color schemes, including Saturn, Pink Mums, Abigail, Azure Coast, Pink Ice, Neptune, and Venus. It is also sold as the car seat alone or with a seat accessory kit, travel and storage bag, or window cling shades.

Evenflo Tribute LX Care and Maintenance Instructions

Infant car seats can get pretty disgusting very quickly, and so keeping on top of both care and maintenance is vitally important. One of the benefits of the Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat is that the entire inner padding can easily be removed and machine wash.

The hard outer shell as well as the attachment mechanisms can be wiped off with a wet rag though you should not use solvents or any type of harsh cleansers. It is also a good idea to double check all connections, buckles, and mechanical aspects of this car seat before every trip and keep them clean from debris at all times.

We hope this Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible Car Seat review has helped you choose the right car seat for your child.

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