Words Of Encouragement For Kids Words Of Encouragement For Kids

Words Of Encouragement For Kids

We should always offer words of encouragement for kids. It’s important to take the time to compliment and encourage our kids. It is beneficial for everyone involved. It’s not just about building the self-esteem of your kids; it’s especially important if you’ve had problems with your child’s attitude before. It’s very easy to give a negative response when the kid exhibits negative behavior. You will then expect the kid to change and end the behavior. However, this is only half of the equation. If you want your kid to constantly engage in positive behavior then you have to openly acknowledge their effort to do positive things, giving them words of appreciation in the process.

There are some strong words and phrases you can use to encourage your kid and get them in a positive mindset. They’ll be happy and so will you. These are words you can start using immediately to boost your child’s self-esteem and breathe some positivity into their lives.

7 Key Words Of Encouragement For Kids

1.“I Appreciate your Help”

Two of the earliest words of courtesy a child learns are ‘thank you’ and ‘please’. These help them express gratitude and show politeness when making a request. However, you can’t expect them to exhibit this behavior and consistently use these words if you don’t show politeness and courtesy yourself. If your child has helped you with something, such as bringing you something from another room, show them your appreciation by thanking them for their help.

This kind of appreciation assures the child that what they’re doing is right and they will be enthusiastic about doing it again in the future.

2. “You can do it. I believe in You”

This is one of the most essential and powerful ways to encourage your child. What you’re doing is stating that you have belief in the abilities of your child, and that goes a long way. It could be that your child is getting ready for an important test, a school performance, or a big game. Telling them that you think they’ll do just fine let’s them know that they have it in them to complete whatever great task lies before them.

I’m not saying you should lie to your kids. Empty words will only go so far before your child catches on and realizes the words mean nothing. But that doesn’t mean you should put them down, either. At the very least you should let them know  that, no matter what the outcome, as long as they try their best, that will be more than enough for you.

3. “Great Job! I’m proud of You”

You should be able to celebrate both the large and small victories with your kids. Your child will undoubtedly enjoy the feeling of success when something they’ve been working on comes to fruition. You should let them know that you are as happy about their success as they are. You can do this with some words of validation, such as telling them what a great job you think they did. If you don’t show your kids you noticed their little victories, they will be drained of their ambition and lack the motivation to seek more success.

Young children don’t think much about the future, so they don’t yet know the impact of their actions. At the moment, they’re probably doing the things they do in an effort to seek your validation. When you stop giving them validation for doing the right things and succeeding at them, they’ll take it as a sign that they should stop.

4. “Don’t worry, You did your Best”

Failure is one of the things your kids will have to experience at some point. However, it should be seen as a learning experience. In fact, it’s even more capable of teaching your kids valuable lessons than success. Your child, however, will not be accustomed to failure the first time they experience it. They may feel demotivated and feel like giving up. It is at such a time that you should give them words of encouragement to prevent this.

You can tell your child that they tried their best and shouldn’t give up. Be careful with this one, though, because accountability needs to be taken into consideration. If the child failed a test because they didn’t study for it at all, then don’t tell them they tried their best. This will merely enable them and give them an excuse for not being accountable. However, in the right context, you should let your child know that failure is normal and even okay, from time to time, so long as you always give it your best shot. This will encourage them and make them a stronger person going forward.

5. “You’ve really improved at ___”

Your kid will likely be putting effort in something, whether it is their manners or skills in math. Letting them know that you’ve noticed an improvement in whatever they’ve been working on is a great boost for them and will leave them feeling very encouraged. It really doesn’t matter whether they improved completely on their own, or they received some help. Giving them validation will leave them encouraged and improved their confidence in their own skills.

6. “I’ve noticed You really enjoy ___”

Your child is on a journey of self-discovery. This journey will continue into their teens and sometimes into young adulthood as well. It’s therefore useful, for their sake, to encourage their passions and interests when they’re still young rather ignore them and put them down.

If you notice your child can’t stop talking about what they learn in science classes, or keep bringing you their latest drawing or painting, or won’t put a particular book down, let them know that you’ve noticed their particular passion for the subject. Encourage them to keep exploring the subject and maybe even help them explore when you find time. This will encourage them and let them know that their interests are valid.

7. “I love You”

This one applies as much for kids as it does for adults. Everyone wants to know how loved they are and that their presence in others’ lives is appreciated. Your child is no exception and telling them you love them should never be conditional upon them doing or saying anything as if it were some kind of trade. Take every opportunity to tell them those 3 words, especially after a trying time, such as one of conflict between the two of you, so they know they will always be number one in your heart.

Are you frustrated (and sometimes embarrassed) by your child’s tantrums and outbursts… whining and fighting… or other “bad” behavior? Are you looking for a better way to resolve conflicts with your kids? The good news is that no matter how short-tempered, disrespectful or “spirited” your child can sometimes be, there are proven solutions to all the most common behavior problems that most families face.

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